Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ozone Media Launches Retargeting Service Smarton - MediaNama

Ozone Media, a?digital ad network, has?launched Ozone Smarton, a re-targeting and dynamic banner advertising platform. According to the company,?Ozone Smarton will allow e-commerce merchants to acquire dropped-off and dormant consumers by assembling dynamic banners in real-time and serving them to the re-targeted audience.

It mentioned that?Smarton is powered by predictive algorithms that determine the optimal product to be shown to the re-targeted users, and that it builds intelligence about users who have visited an advertiser?s website and shows them the relevant products in the retargeted dynamic banner ads. It selects the product to be served on dynamic banner in real time, based on its prediction algorithms, to maximize conversion rates and also supports multi-product banners that feature multiple products relevant to the user, according to Ozone.

Senthil Govindan, Associate Vice President of Product & Partnerships at Ozone Media said that the company is?in the process of working with its customers to implement algorithms through the customizable Recommendation Engine which, according to him, will maximize their ability to generate conversions through retargeting. He also added that it ?will soon be able to proactively suggest campaigns that advertisers can run, helping advertisers micro-segment their user base and target them accordingly.

Ozone claims that on Smarton pushed up the conversion rate by three to eight times for the retargeted audience, in initial results.?After e-commerce, Ozone also intends to target the travel segment, followed by?other online verticals where online customer acquisition is important.

How Retargeting Works:?Drop-off visitors are users who visit the advertiser?s site, or a site which sells the advertiser?s products or just a site where the advertiser has advertised, but don?t take any action, and move to another site. For example, if a user visits an e-commerce site and searches for a particular product,but doesn?t make a purchase and switches to another site, the retargeting service will instantly generate banner ads, enabling the company to place them on sites which the user visits. It might even list the the product on top when a user searches for a mobile phone on a search engine and display a different landing page for the user to feature that product.

Although, dynamic retargeting is an effective strategy to attract and retain users but going on an overkill, might end up hurting companies and their brands, since people might find it irritating, and equate it to online stalking.

Other Players:?Vizury Interactive, an online advertising solutions company also offers retargeting solutions. The company?s Visitor Relationship Management(VRM) solution lets advertisers identify drop off visitors, study their online behavior and usage pattern?and target them even when they leave the web site through customized dynamic banner messages for every drop-off user. Last year, online advertising network, Tyroo,?had also launched a?dynamic retargeting?service for?Indian advertisers.?The service allows advertisers to identify drop off visitors, study their online behavior and usage pattern, and target them even when they leave the web site by generating customized, dynamic banner messages.

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