Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Benchmark?s Matt Cohler: Ads On Mobile Will Be Better Than On The Web, More Like TV

IMG_9904Mobile looks like a threat to the growth of Facebook's profits, because advertisers aren't spending much and users aren't enjoying the experience. But Matt Cohler, thinks that mobile ads are going to be huge, "bigger than the web." Formerly a Facebook executive and now a general partner with Benchmark Capital, he compares the mobile ad experience to television. "It's?a lot more like a TV than a web browser ever was," he says in an interview with Michael Arrington today at TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco. "[With the web] you'd get 12 different things going on at the same time. It's not that immersive. The smartphone is one screen for the user to focus on, in a device they have a deep emotional connection to."


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